Welcome to the digital newsletter from the University of Florida Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE). Each semester, we will be highlighting department updates and successes.

College Awards
Prabhat Mishra, Ph.D., a professor, was selected as a 2019 Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering Doctoral Dissertation Advisor/Mentoring Awardee.

Gift Funds Professorships
Kevin R. B. Butler, Ph.D., and Daisy Zhe Wang, Ph.D., received the Arnold and Lisa Goldberg Rising Star Professorships in Computer Science.

ACM Fellow
Juan E. Gilbert, Ph.D., the Banks Family Preeminence Endowed Professor and department chair, named an ACM Fellow.

IEEE Fellow
Ahmed Helmy, Ph.D., professor and graduate coordinator, has been named an IEEE Fellow.

Student Awards
Four women receive the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering's Outstanding International Student Award.

Department Ranking
Computer engineering graduate program ranks No. 16 among public institutions in the 2020 U.S. News & World Report list of best graduate programs.

Gator Nation Giving Day
With your support, we were able to raise more than $591,000 in 24 hours during the Stand Up & Holler campaign.

Excellence Rising
Computer engineering students will have lab space in the new building. Read more about the project and how you can support future engineers.