Swarm-NG  1.1
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
 o-pyPython interface, testing and tutorial code
 |o+swarmngPython package interface to the Swarm library
 |o+testsPython unit testing
 |o*integration_plot_tutorial.pyAdvanced tutorial on how to examine the ensemble before and after the integration to plot meaningful results
 |o*logrecord_tutorial.pyTutorial for using the swarmng.logrecord.LogRecord class for accessing records from a BDB log file
 |o*plot_tutorial.pyTutorial for extracting and plotting information from the BDB log files
 |o*resume_tutorial.pyTutorial on resuming integration from saved snapshots
 |o*stats_tutorial.pyTutorial on extracting statistical information from a data file
 |\*tutorial.pyBeginner tutorial on how to interface with the integrators
  o+integratorsThis directory implements various integrators using different algorithms, such as Hermite, Mixed-Variable Symplectic (MVS) and Runge-Kutta
  o+monitorsThis directory implements several monitors for recording/logging the system states and events during different computation phases, and also implements the combination of monitors
  o+pluginsThis directory implement plug-ins for Hermite, MVS, Runge-Kutta integrators with different flavors including CPU, GPU and OpenMP
  o+propagatorsThis directory defines different propagator plug-ins for different algorithms such as Hermite, MVS, Verlet and Euler
  o+pythonThis directory defines python interface to Swarm-NG
  o+swarmSwarm-NG's base directory, contains source files for "swarm" - a command-line interface to Swarm-NG library; common header files used in different Swarm-NG components; common utility routines for using Swarm-NG
  o+tutorialsThis directory implements several tutorials for using Swarm as a beginner and Swarm-NG for more advanced users
  \+utilsThis directory implements several utility functions that Swarm-NG can readily use, for example, utilities for saving ensemble to a file, performing stability tests, creating default ensemble, running performance benchmark on GPU, and verifying integrators against one another, etc