Swarm-NG  1.1
log Directory Reference

This directory defines Swarm-NG even/data logging system, including input/output (IO) data format, implements IO interface, and provides utilities for processing the log data.



directory  gpulog
 This directory defines the log system related to GPU/CUDA interface.


file  bdb_database.cpp [code]
file  bdb_database.hpp [code]
file  bdb_writer.cpp [code]
 Writer plugin to output the log into a Berkeley-DB database.
file  binary_writer.cpp [code]
 Defines and implements a writer that writes to binary files.
file  fileformat.hpp [code]
 Defines swarm header file format.
file  host_array_writer.cpp [code]
 Processes the event log data.
file  host_array_writer.hpp [code]
 Defines an event writer plug-in for io.cpp.
file  io.cpp [code]
 Implements functions for opening a swarm log file using swarmdb.
file  io.hpp [code]
 Defines routines for reading binary log files made by binary_writer.
file  log.cpp [code]
 Process the event types.
file  log.hpp [code]
 Defines an event/data logging system for swarm.
file  logmanager.cpp [code]
 Implements the public interface to swarm logging system.
file  logmanager.hpp [code]
 Defines the class swarm::log::manager - the logging manager for CPU/GPU logs and writing them to appropriate output.
file  null_writer.cpp [code]
 Defines a dummy null writer.
file  types.hpp [code]
 Defines on-GPU state logging of bodies.
file  writer.cpp [code]
 Implements output writer interface.
file  writer.h [code]
 Defines class interface (swarm::writer) for writer plugins.

Detailed Description

This directory defines Swarm-NG even/data logging system, including input/output (IO) data format, implements IO interface, and provides utilities for processing the log data.