Yichi Zhang: Faculty Candidate Seminar

Date: July 18, 2023
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Location: 432 Newell Drive, Gainesville, FL, 32611
Host: Department of CISE
Admission: Free

Bio: Yichi Zhang is a 5th (soon to be 6th) year PhD student in CISE with a M.Eng. in Software Engineering and B.S. in Organic Chemistry. He is an experienced TA for various courses in the department, including those in the Theory category such as Discrete Structures and Analysis of Algorithm. His area of research in Sitharam group includes Computational Geometry and Algorithm, and their applications on biochemical molecular systems. His research is sponsored by NSF DMS 1563234

Title: Teaching CS Theory in College: Observation, Thoughts, and Practices

Abstract: Theory courses, such as Discrete Math, Algorithm, and Complexity Theory, play an important role in college level Computer Science and other related programs. Due to the nature of such courses, they are usually not the best received among students compared to others. Teachers often find hardship getting students interested, while students doubt their need in taking those classes. In this talk, Mr. Zhang will share his experience and thoughts on teaching these courses to different audiences, including undergraduate, graduate, and non-EECS major students.