Research Group

    I'm the project leader of the Virtual Experiences Group.

The people who do all the hard work

    Ph.D. students: Kyle Johnsen, John Quarrels, Andrew Raij, and Xiyong Wang

    M.S. students: Cyrus Harrison

    Undergraduate students: Robert Dickerson, Sayed Hashimi, Art Homs, Aaron Kotranza

    Alumni: George Mora (MS, Digital Worlds Institute), Samuel Preston (BS, Center for Advanced Engineering Environments), Andrew Joubert (BS, Engineering firm in Orlando), John Samuelson (BS, Graduate program in Archeology at the University of Arkansas)

Previous Research Projects

Fall 1999 - May 2002:

(I-Drive) Incorporating Dynamic Real Objects into Immersive Virtual Environments

Fall 1999 - May 2002:

Effective Virtual Environments (EVE) Project

Fall 1997 - Spring 1999:

Tracker Project (HiBall: Navigational Technology for Head-Mounted Displays)

Fall 1994 - Spring 1997:

MedAssist Project (University of Tulsa)


Human Computer Interaction in Virtual Environments

Lok, Benjamin (2004). Human Computer Interaction in Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics.” To appear in Encyclopedia of Human Computer Interaction. Ed. Marcy Ross. Barrington, MA: Berkshire, 2004.

Lok, Benjamin and Larry Hodges (2004). Human Computer Interaction in Virtual Reality.” To appear in Encyclopedia of Human Computer Interaction. Ed. Marcy Ross. Barrington, MA: Berkshire, 2004.


Real Objects in Virtual Environments

Lok, Benjamin (2003). Evaluation and Application of Algorithms for a Hybrid Environment System.” Energy, Simulation Training, Ocean Engineering and Instrumentation, Research Papers of the Link Foundation Fellows. Ed. Brian Thompson. New York: University of Rochester Press, 2003, 3:149-175.

Lok, Benjamin, Samir Naik, Mary Whitton, and Frederick Brooks (2003).Effects of Interaction Modality and Avatar Fidelity on Task Performance and Sense of Presence in Virtual Environments,” To appear in Journal on Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments

Lok, Benjamin, Samir Naik, Mary Whitton, and Frederick Brooks (2004). “Experiences in Extemporaneous Incorporation of Real Objects in Immersive Virtual Environments,” To appear in Beyond Glove and Wand Based Interaction Workshop, IEEE Virtual Reality 2004, Chicago, IL.

Lok, Benjamin, Samir Naik, Mary Whitton, and Frederick Brooks (2004). “Towards Merging Real and Virtual Spaces,” To appear in Communications of the ACM, August 2004.

Lok, Benjamin, Samir Naik, Mary Whitton, and Frederick Brooks (2003).Incorporating Dynamic Real Objects into Virtual Environments,” Proceedings of ACM 2003 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Monterey, CA (April 28-30), ACM SIGGRAPH: 31-41.

Lok, Benjamin, Samir Naik, Mary Whitton, and Frederick Brooks (2003). “Incorporating Dynamic Real Objects into Virtual Environments,” (abridged) Proceedings of ACM  SIGGRAPH 2003, 701.

Images in Communications of the ACM, July 2003, 46.7: 48.

 Lok, Benjamin, Samir Naik, Mary Whitton, and Frederick Brooks (2003).Effects of Handling Real Objects and Avatar Fidelity on Cognitive Task Performance in Virtual Environments,” Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality 2003, Los Angelos, CA (March 22-26), IEEE: 125-132. 

 Accompany video in IEEE Virtual Reality 2003 Video Proceedings.

Lok, Benjamin (2002). Interacting with Dynamic Real Objects in Virtual Environments. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Lok, Benjamin (2001). “Online Model Reconstruction for Interactive Virtual Environments,” Proceedings of ACM 2001 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Chapel Hill, NC, March, 2001: 69-72, 248.

Popular Press:

Lok, Benjamin (2003). “VR Accommodates Reality,” Ed. Eric Smalley, Technology Research News, July/August 2003.

Lok, Benjamin (2001). Avatar Advances,” Ed. Diane Mahoney. Computer Graphics World, February 2001, 24.2: 17-20.

Distributed Virtual Environments

Mortensen, Jesper, Vino Vinayagamoorthy, Mel Slater, Anthony Steed, Benjamin Lok, and Mary Whitton (2002), “Collaboration in Tele-Immersive Environments,” Proceedings of Eighth Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments 2002, Barcelona, Spain, May 2002: 30-31.

Medical Informatics


Lok, Benjamin, Steven Bauer, Scott Monacello, Scott Finnerty, and Sujeet Shenoi (1997). An Organizational Framework for Distributed Medical Information,” Proceedings of Third Joint Conference on Information Systems.



Lok, Benjamin, Steven Bauer, Scott Monacello, Scott Finnerty, and Sujeet Shenoi (1997). “A Hypermedia System for Breast Cancer Screening,” Proceedings of the Mid-America Symposium of Emerging Computing Technologies.


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