
Mobile Computing & Networking Research

The Mobile and Pervasive Computing Lab is focused on systems research and experimental aspects of Mobile Computing, emphasizing Mobile Computing Models, Mobile Data Access, Mobile Networking, and Power-Aware Mobile Computing. Individual projects are listed below.

Mobile Networking ❯ Bluetooth Simulation Support in ns-2


ns (Network Simulator) supports almost all variants of TCP, several forms of multicast, several ad-hoc routing protocols and wired/wireless LAN protocols. The research work involves development of Bluetooth modules as per the Bluetooth specification and integrating them with the ns simulator. The first phase of this project targets the Bluetooth LAN access profile and applications running atop of it. Understanding ns internals and the Bluetooth protocol stack is a key part of the project. A simulated network topology and scenario are described in the simulator input script which is a tcl script. IP based applications traces will be used to generate traffic and to drive the simulation and experiments.


Motorola Corporation


Dr. Sumi Helal
Choonhwa Lee
Sasidhar Parvatham


  • S. Parvatham, A. Helal and C. Lee, "A Bluetooth LAN Access Profile Simulator," Master Thesis, (pdf).

  • C. Lee and A. Helal, "An ns-based Bluetooth LAP Simulator," Proceedings of the 26th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), November 14, 2001, Tampa, Florida (pdf).