Pattern Name: GeometricDecomposition

AlgorithmStructure Design Space


This pattern is used when (1) the concurrency is based on parallel updates of chunks of a decomposed data structure, and (2) the update of each chunk requires data from other chunks.

Also Known As:


There are many important problems that are best understood as a sequence of operations on a core data structure. There may be other work in the computation, but if you understand how the core data structures are updated, you have an effective understanding of the full computation. For these types of problems, it is often the case that the best way to represent the concurrency is in terms of decompositions of these core data structures.

The way these data structures are built is fundamental to the algorithm. If the data structure is recursive, any analysis of the concurrency must take this recursion into account. For arrays and other linear data structures, however, we can often reduce the problem to potentially concurrent components by decomposing the data structure into contiguous substructures, in a manner analogous to dividing a geometric region into subregions -- hence the name GeometricDecomposition. For arrays, this decomposition is along one or more dimensions, and the resulting subarrays are usually called blocks. We will use the term "chunks" for the substructures or subregions, to allow for the possibility of more general data structures such as graphs. Each element of the global data structure (each element of the array, for example) then corresponds to exactly one element of the distributed data structure, identified by a unique combination of chunk ID and local position.

This decomposition of data into chunks then implies a decomposition of the update operation into tasks, where each task represents the update of one chunk, and the tasks execute concurrently. We consider two basic forms of update: (1) an update defined in terms of individual elements of the data structure (i.e., one that computes new values for each point) and (2) an update defined in terms of chunks (i.e., one that computes new values for each chunk).

If the computations are strictly local, i.e., all required information is within the chunk, the concurrency is "embarrassingly parallel" and the EmbarrassinglyParallel pattern should be used. In many cases, however, the update requires information from points in other chunks (frequently from what we can call "neighboring chunks" -- chunks containing data that was nearby in the original global data structure). In these cases, information must be shared between chunks in order to complete the update.

Motivating examples.

Before going further, it may help to briefly present two motivating examples: a mesh-computation program to solve a differential equation and a matrix-multiplication algorithm.

  • The approach used is to discretize the problem space (representing U by a 1-dimensional array and computing values for a sequence of discrete time steps). We will output values for each time step as they are computed, so we need only save values for U for two time steps; we will call these arrays uk (U at the timestep k) and ukp1 (U at timestep k+1). At each time step, we then need to compute for each point in array ukp1 the following:


    Variables dt and dx represent the intervals between discrete time steps and between discrete points respectively. (We will not discuss the derivation of the above formula; it is not relevant to the parallelization aspects of the problem and so is outside the scope of our pattern language.)

    Observe that what is being computed above is a new value for variable ukp1 at each point, based on data at that point and its left and right neighbors -- an example of the "update defined in terms of individual elements of the data structure".

    We can create a parallel algorithm for this problem by decomposing the arrays uk and ukp1 into contiguous subarrays (the chunks described earlier) and operating on these chunks concurrently (one task per chunk). We then have a situation in which some elements can be updated using only data from within the chunk, while others require data from neighboring chunks, as illustrated by the following figure (solid boxes indicate the element being updated, shaded boxes the elements containing needed data).

  • We can readily compute this using a loop like that used to compute each element in the standard matrix multiplication; at each step we compute the matrix product Aik · Bkj and add it to the running matrix sum. This gives us a computation in the form described by our pattern -- one in which the algorithm is based on decomposing the data structure into chunks (square blocks here) and operating on those chunks concurrently. If we decompose all three matrices into square blocks (with each task "owning" corresponding blocks of A, B, and C), the following figure illustrates the updates at two representative steps (again solid boxes indicate the "chunk" being updated, and shaded boxes indicate the chunks containing data needed for the update).

  • These two examples illustrate the two basic categories of algorithms addressed by the GeometricDecomposition pattern. In both cases, the data structures (two 1D arrays in the first example, three 2D matrices in the second) are decomposed into contiguous subarrays as illustrated.

    More about data structures.

    Before turning our attention to how we can schedule the tasks implied by our data decomposition, we comment on one further characteristic of algorithms using this pattern: For various reasons including algorithmic simplicity and program efficiency (particularly for distributed memory), it is often useful to define for each chunk a data structure that provides space for both the chunk's data and for duplicates of whatever non-local data is required to update the data within the chunk. For example, if the data structure is an array and the update is a grid operation (in which values at each point are updated using values from nearby points), it is common to surround the data structure for the block with a "ghost boundary" to contain duplicates of data at the boundaries of neighboring blocks.

    Thus, each element of the global data structure can correspond to more than one element of the distributed data structure, but these multiple elements consist of one "primary" copy (that will be updated directly) associated with an "owner chunk" and zero or more "shadow" copies (that will be updated with values computed as part of the computation on the owner chunk).

    In the case of our mesh-computation example above, each of the subarrays would be extended by one cell on each side. These extra cells would be used as shadow copies of the cells on the boundaries of the chunks. The following figure illustrates this scheme: The shaded cells are the shadow copies (with arrows pointing from their corresponding primary copies).

    Updating the data structures.

    Updating the data structure is then done by executing the corresponding tasks (each responsible for the update of one chunk of the data structures) concurrently. Recalling that the update for each chunk requires data from other chunks ("non-local data"), we see that at some point each task must obtain data from other tasks. This involves an exchange of information among tasks, which is often (but not always) carried out before beginning the computation of new values.

    Such an exchange can be expensive: For a distributed-memory implementation, it may require not only message-passing but also packing the shared information into a message; for a shared-memory implementation it may require synchronization (with the consequent overhead) to ensure that the information is shared correctly. Sophisticated algorithms may schedule this exchange in a way that permits overlap of computation and communication.

    Balancing the exchange of information between chunks and the update computation within each chunk is potentially difficult. The goal is to structure the concurrent algorithm so that the computation time dominates the overall running time of the program. Much of what is discussed in this pattern is driven by the need to effectively reach that goal.

    Mapping the data decomposition to UEs.

    The final step in designing a parallel algorithm for a problem that fits this pattern is deciding how to map the collection of tasks (each corresponding to the update of one chunk) to units of execution (UEs). Each UE can then be said to "own" a collection of chunks and the data they contain.

    Observe that we thus have a two-tiered scheme for distributing data among UEs: partitioning the data into chunks, and then assigning these chunks to UEs. This scheme is flexible enough to represent a variety of popular schemes for distributing data among UEs:


    Use the GeometricDecomposition pattern when:

    In many cases in which the GeometricDecomposition decomposition pattern is applicable, the data to share between UEs is restricted to the boundaries of the chunks associated with a UE. In other words, the amount of information to share between UEs scales with the "surface area" of the chunks. Since the computation scales with the number of points within a chunk, it scales as the "volume" of the regions. This "surface-to-volume effect" gives these algorithms attractive scalable execution behavior. By increasing the size of the problem for a fixed number of UEs, this surface-to-volume effect leads to favorable scaling behavior, making this class of algorithms very attractive for parallel computing.

    More formally, this pattern is applicable when the computation involves:

    To see which operations can be parallelized effectively, we need to look at what data is read and written during the course of the update operation, focusing on two questions:

    With respect to the latter question, the simplest situation is that the set of variables modified during the update is disjoint from the set of variables whose values must be read during the update (as is the case in the two motivating examples presented earlier). In this situation, it is not difficult to see that we can perform the updates in any order we choose, including concurrently; this is the basis for the correctness of this parallelization scheme. It is easy to see that in this situation we can obtain correct results by separating each task into two phases, a communication phase (in which tasks exchange data such that after the exchange each task has copies of any non-local data it will need) and a computation phase.


    Implementations of this pattern include the following key elements:


    This pattern can be used to provide the high-level structure for an application (that is, the application is structured as an instance of this pattern). More typically, an application is structured as a sequential composition of instances of this pattern (and possibly other patterns such as EmbarrassinglyParallel and SeparableDependencies), as in the examples in the Examples section.



    Key elements.

    Data decomposition.

    Implementing the data-decomposition aspect of the pattern typically requires modifications in how the data structure is represented by the program; choosing a good representation can simplify the program. For example, if the data structure is an array and the update operation is a simple mesh calculation (in which each point is updated using data from neighboring points), and the implementation needs to execute in a distributed-memory environment, then typically each chunk is represented by an array big enough to hold the chunk plus shadow copies of array elements owned by neighboring chunks. (The elements intended to hold these shadow copies form a so-called "ghost boundary" around the local data, as shown in the figure under "More about data structures" earlier.)

    The exchange operation.

    A key factor in using this pattern correctly is ensuring that non-local data required for the update operation is obtained before it is needed. There are many ways to do this, and the choice of method can greatly affect program performance. If all the data needed is present before the beginning of the update operation, the simplest approach is to perform the entire exchange before beginning the update, storing the required non-local data in a local data structure designed for that purpose (for example, the ghost boundary in a mesh computation). This approach is relatively straightforward to implement using either copying or message-passing.

    More sophisticated approaches, in which the exchange and update operations are intertwined, are possible but more difficult to implement. Such approaches are necessary if some data needed for the update is not initially available, and may improve performance in other cases as well.

    Overlapping computation and computation can be a straightforward addition to the basic pattern. For example, in our standard example of a finite difference computation, the exchange of ghost cells can be started, the update of the interior region can be computed, and then the boundary layer (the values that depend on the ghost cells) can be updated. In many cases, there will be no advantage to this division of labor, but on systems that let communication and computation occur in parallel, the saving can be significant. This is such a common feature of parallel algorithms that standard communication APIs (such as MPI) include whole classes of message-passing routines to support this type of overlap.

    The update operation.

    If the required exchange of information has been performed before beginning the update operation, the update itself is usually straightforward to implement -- it is essentially identical to the analogous update in an equivalent sequential program (i.e., a sequential program to solve the same problem), particularly if good choices have been made about how to represent non-local data. For an update defined in terms of points, each task must update all the points in the corresponding chunk, point by point; for an update defined in terms of chunks, each task must update its chunk.

    Data distribution / task scheduling.

    In the simplest case, each task can be assigned to a separate UE; then all tasks can execute concurrently, and the intertask coordination needed to implement the exchange operation is straightforward.

    If multiple tasks are assigned to each UE, some care must be taken to avoid deadlock. An approach that will work in some situations is for each UE to cycle among its tasks, switching from one task to the next when it encounters a "blocking" coordination event. Another, perhaps simpler, approach is to redefine the tasks in such a way that they can be mapped one-to-one onto UEs, with each of these redefined tasks being responsible for the update of all the chunks assigned to that UE.

    Correctness considerations.

    Efficiency considerations.


    Mesh computation.

    The problem is as described in the Motivation section.

    First, here's a simple sequential version of a program (some details omitted) that solves this problem:

            real uk(1:NX), ukp1(1:NX)
            dx = 1.0/NX
            dt = 0.5*dx*dx
    C-------initialization of uk, ukp1 omitted
            do k=1,NSTEPS
                do i=2,NX-1
                do i=2,NX-1
            print_step(k, uk)

    This program combines a top-level sequential control structure (the time-step loop) with two array-update operations; the first can be parallelized using the GeometricDecomposition pattern, and the second can be parallelized using the EmbarrassinglyParallel pattern. We present two parallel implementations:

    Matrix multiplication.

    The problem is as described in the Motivation section.

    First, consider a simple sequential program to compute the desired result, based on decomposing the N by N matrix into NB*NB square blocks. To keep the notation relatively simple (though not legal Fortran), we use the notation block(i,j,X) to denote, on either side of an assignment statement, the (i,j)-th block of matrix X .

            real A(N,N), B(N,N), C(N,N)
    C-------loop over all blocks
            do i = 1, NB
            do j = 1, NB
    C-----------compute product for block (i,j) of C
                block(i,j,C) = 0.0
                do k = 1, NB
                    block(i,j,C) = block(i,j,C) 
       $                + matrix_multiply(block(i,k,A), block(k,j,B))
                end do
            end do
            end do

    We first observe that we could rearrange the loops as follows without affecting the result of the computation:

            real A(N,N), B(N,N), C(N,N)
            do i = 1, NB
            do j = 1, NB
                block(i,j,C) = 0.0
            end do
    C-------loop over number of elements in sum being computed for each block
            do k = 1, NB
    C-----------loop over all blocks
                do i = 1, NB
                do j = 1, NB
    C-----------compute increment for block(i,j) of C
                    block(i,j,C) = block(i,j,C) 
       $                + matrix_multiply(block(i,k,A), block(k,j,B))
                end do
                end do
            end do

    We first observe that here again we have a program that combines a high-level sequential structure (the loop over k) with an instance of the GeometricDecomposition pattern (the nested loops over i and j).

    Thus, we can produce a parallel version of this program for a shared-memory environment by parallelizing the inner nested loops (over i and j), for example with OpenMP loop directives as in the mesh-computation example.

    Producing a parallel version of this program for a distributed-memory environment is somewhat trickier. The obvious approach is to try an SPMD-style program with one process for each of the NB*NB blocks. We could then proceed to write code for each process as follows:

            real A(N/NB,N/NB), B(N/NB,N/NB), C(N/NB,N/NB)
    C-------buffers for holding non-local blocks of A, B
            real A_buffer(N/NB,N/NB), B_buffer(N/NB,N/NB)
            integer i, j
            C = 0.0
    C-------initialize i, j to be this block's coordinates (not shown)
    C-------loop over number of elements in sum being computed for each block
            do k = 1, NB
    C-----------obtain needed non-local data:
    C-----------    block(i,k) of A
                if (j. eq. k) broadcast_over_row(A)
    C-----------    block(k,j) of B
                if (i .eq. k) broadcast_over_column(B)
    C-----------compute increment for C
                C = C + matrix_multiply(A,B)
            end do

    We presuppose the existence of a library routine broadcast_over_row() that, called from the process corresponding to block (i,j), broadcasts to processes corresponding to blocks (i, y), and an analogous routine broadcast_over_column()(broadcasting from the process for block (i,j) to processes for blocks (x,j)).

    A cleverer approach, in which the blocks of A and B circulate among processes, arriving at each process just in time to be used, is given in [Fox88]. We refer the readers to [Fox88] for details.

    Known Uses:

    Most problems involving the solution of differential equations use the geometric decomposition pattern. A finite-differencing scheme directly maps onto this pattern.

    Another class of problems that use this pattern comes from computational linear algebra. The parallel routines in the ScaLAPACK library are for the most part based on this pattern.

    These two classes of problems cover a major portion of all parallel applications.

    Related Patterns:

    If the update required for each "chunk" can be done without data from other chunks, then this pattern reduces to the EmbarrassinglyParallel pattern. (As an example of such a computation, consider computing a 2-dimensional FFT by first applying a 1-dimensional FFT to each row of the matrix and then applying a 1-dimensional FFT to each column. Although the decomposition may appear data-based (by rows / by columns), in fact the computation consists of two instances of the EmbarrassinglyParallel pattern.)

    If the data structure to be distributed is recursive in nature, then rather than this pattern the application designer should use the DivideAndConquer pattern.