
  1. CNT5106c fall 2016, Computer Networks
  2. CIS6930/4930 fall 2016, Internet Traffic Measurement
  3. 2015-2016

  4. CNT5106c fall 2015, Computer Networks
  5. CIS6930/4930 spring 2016, Network Algorithms and Data Structures
  6. CNT5106c summer 2016, Computer Networks
  7. 2014-2015

  8. CNT4007c fall 2014, Computer Network Fundamentals
  9. 2013-2014

  10. CNT5106c fall 2013, Computer Networks
  11. CIS6930/4930, Network Algorithms
  12. 2012-2013

  13. CNT4007c spring 2013, Computer Network Fundamentals
  14. CNT4007c fall 2012, Computer Network Fundamentals
  15. 2011-2012

  16. Sabbatical Leave
  17. 2010-2011

  18. CNT5106 summer 2011, Computer Networks
  19. CIS6930 spring 2011, Advanced Topics on Computer Networks
  20. CNT5106 fall 2010, Computer Networks
  21. 2009-2010

  22. CNT4700c Spring 2010, Computer Network Fundamentals
  23. CNT5410 fall 2009, Computer and Network Security
  24. 2008-2009

  25. CIS6930 spring 2009, Wireless Networks & Security
  26. CNT4007c fall 2008, Computer Network Fundamentals
  27. 2007-2008

  28. CIS6930 spring 2008, Adv Top in Computer Networks
  29. CEN5540 fall 2007, Computer & Network Security
  30. 2006-2007

  31. CEN5540 Spring 2007, Computer & Network Security
  32. CIS6930 Fall 2006, Advanced Topics on Computer Networks
  33. 2005-2006

  34. CEN4500c Spring 2006, Computer Network Fundamentals
  35. CIS6930 Fall 2005, Wireless Sensor Networks - Security Issues
  36. 2004-2005

  37. CEN4500c Spring 2005, Computer Network Fundamentals
  38. CEN5540 Fall 2004, Computer and Network Security
  39. 2003-2004

  40. CEN4500c Spring 2004, Computer Network Fundamentals
  41. CEN5540 Fall 2003, Computer and Network Security
  42. 2002-2003

  43. CIS6930 Spring 2003, Advanced Topics on Network Security
  44. CEN4500c Fall 2002, Computer Network Fundamentals