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Using Reptilian

Reptilian is most often used within VirtualBox; however, it has been reported to successfully work within other virtualization platforms. To use Reptilian, you'll need to import the virtual appliance into your virtualization platform of choice, then start the virtual machine.

Secure Shell

Once you've imported your appliance and started the virtual machine, you can connect to it via SSH. By default, Reptilian's SSH server listens on port 9474.

To connect to Reptilian via SSH from a typical Unix shell, connect as the reptilian user:

> ssh -p 9474 reptilian@localhost

The default password for the reptilian user is reptilian.

Building the Kernel

Reptilian has a re-configured kernel configuration used to reduce compile times within a VM. However, you will need to download the correct kernel version for the version of Reptilian you are using.

We maintain a copy of the Linux kernel git repository and create tags with each Reptilian release that have been tested and verified as working. You can find and clone the kernel here:

While the kernel can in principle be cloned and built in any directory, all testing is completed by cloning the kernel repository into /usr/rep/src.

Android & Remote Debugging

Reptilian has remote debugging enabled by default on the typical Android port (5555). You can connect to Reptilian from Android Studio and other Android tools. To connect to Reptilian in VirtualBox from Android Studio:

  1. Boot Reptilian VM and wait for startup to complete
  2. Start Android Studio and open target project
  3. When running the application, select Innotek GmbH VirtualBox as the device

Modifying Reptilian

Here are some pointers on modifying Reptilian:

using_reptilian.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/07 13:12 by misterjei