Luke Morris
CS PhD Student
University of Florida CISE
Email: myfirstname[dot]
About me:
I'm a 4th-year Computer Science PhD student in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering at the University of Florida.
I am employed as a graduate research assistant in the Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department.
I graduated with my Bachelor's in Computer Science from the University of Kentucky in 2021, summa cum laude.
My advisor here in Gainesville is Dr. James Fairbanks of the GATAS Lab.
My Current Research Involves:
- Applied Category Theory
- Multiphysics Simulations
- Space Weather
- High Performance Computing
- Opinion Dynamics
A little more about me:
2017 - 2021
I received my Bachelor's in Computer Science at the University of Kentucky (UK) in May, 2021. While at UK, I completed an internship at Carlson Software, where I wrote software to improve digital surface models from LiDAR point cloud data to aid in streamflow simulation. I also completed a co-op with the US Army Corps of Engineers, where I wrote software for computing flood inundation models. Both of these experiences were at the intersection of Hydrology and computer science. I was also an exchange student in Berlin, taking courses in Machine Learning. After graduating, I completed an internship via the DoD's HPC Modernization Program, working on Machine Learning models for Computer Vision.
2021 - Present
My professional experiences during undergrad inspired me to study under Dr. James Fairbanks to explore how Applied Category Theory and Differential Geometry can improve scientific computing simulations at large scale. At Lawrence Livermore National Lab, I performed computational Opinion Dynamics and computer science research. My most recent internship was with The Topos Institute, where I implemented the 3D Discrete Exterior Calculus for use in Multiphysics Simulations. I am currently collaborating with Space Weather experts to produce models of the ionosphere in a novel multiphysics framework.
Professional experiences:
Here are some links to the different organizations where I have worked. See my LinkedIn profile for more information.
The GATAS Lab at UF
- The GATAS Lab conducts a variety of research projects, all connected via Applied Category Theory.
The Topos Institute
- The Topos Institute conducts a variety of mathematics research for public benefit.
Lawrence Livermore National Lab
- Lawrence Livermore National Lab is engaged in a variety of research projects with a focus on nuclear energy and basic research.
USACE: ERDC, Coastal and Hydraulic Lab
- The US Army Corps of Engineers: Engineer Research & Development Center's Coastal and Hydraulics Lab is engaged in a variety of research projects relevant to the United States armed forces.
USACE: ERDC, Information Technology Lab
- The US Army Corps of Engineers: Engineer Research & Development Center's Information Technology Lab is engaged in a variety of research projects relevant to the United States armed forces.
Carlson Software
- Carlson Software is a company that develops software for hydrologists and civil engineers.
Some photos:
The Decapodes multiphysics project uses the Discrete Exterior Calculus to automatically generate physics simulations. Here I replicated the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and demonstrate 6 rotating point vortices on a sphere.
One of the best parts of my job is sharing our group's work with the research community. Here, I am presenting at a conference for computational scientists in Amsterdam.
I was an exchange student at the Technische Universität Berlin where I took courses in Machine Learning and Signal Processing. Here are some participants in the (rollerblading portion of) the Berlin Marathon, with the Siegessäule, one of Berlin's most famous landmarks, in the background.
I was a research associate intern at The Topos Institute in Berkeley, where I implemented the 3D Discrete Exterior Calculus. Despite Berkeley being mostly urbanized, there exists a grove of eucalyptus trees between UC Berkeley's campus and the rest of downtown.
Some interesting links: (Affiliation not necessarily implied!)
Prospective UF Grad Students:
Feel free to message me if you have questions about being a grad student at UF CISE.