Midterm: Integrative Paper

25% of overall grade.

Due: Thursday, October 14th, 2010, 11:59 PM (Submit via Sakai)

Objective: Integrate HCI papers to propose a solution to a problem.

Undergraduate: Read two research papers in HCI that are not related.  Write an integrated paper that combines the two ideas into a novel, new idea that solves a problem you have identified.  Total length: 3 pages. 

Page 1: Identify a problem you believe the two papers, in combination, could help address. 

Page 1-2: Summarize the two papers

Pages 2-3: Write a compelling argument on how to integrate the results from the two papers


Paper Topic Identification (10 points)

·         How well did the student identify the population being helped? (5 points)

·         How well did the student argue that the benefits of addressing the topic? (5 points)

Summary (30 points)

·         For each paper (15 points undergrad):

§  Citation accuracy [include hyperlink if possible] (3 points)

§  Summary accuracy (8 points)

§  How the paper fits into the topic being addressed (4 points)

Integration of Ideas (60 points)

·         Overall idea: (30 points )

o   How well the approach addresses the identified issues: (20 points)

o   How well the proposed approach would work: (10 points)

·         Use of papers (30 points)

o   (for each paper): Explaining how each paper was integrated (15 points)

Graduate: Read three research papers in HCI that are not related.  Write an integrated paper that combines the three ideas into a novel new idea that solves a problem you identified.  Total length: 4 pages. 

Page 1: Identify a problem you believe the papers, in combination, could help address. 

Page 1-2: Summarize the papers.

Pages 2-3: Write a compelling argument on how to integrate the results from the papers.  Propose a prototype system.

Pages 4: Explain how you would evaluate your prototype (leverage similar study designs for similar systems in the literature).

Paper Topic Identification (10 points)

·         How well did the student identify the population being helped? (5 points)

·         How well did the student argue that the benefits of addressing the topic? (5 points)

Summary (30 points)

·         For each paper (10 points):

§  Citation accuracy [include hyperlink if possible] (2 points)

§  Summary accuracy (5 points)

§  How the paper fits into the topic being addressed (3 points)

Integration of Ideas (30 points)

·         Prototype idea: (15 points )

o   How well the approach addresses the identified issues: (10 points)

o   How well the proposed approach would work: (5 points)

·         Use of papers (15 points)

o   (for each paper): Explaining how each paper was integrated (5 points)

Evaluation (30 points)

·         Study Design and Procedure (15 points)

·         Study Metrics (10 points)

·         Study Population (5 points)


The papers chosen for the midterm should be papers not part of the class readings or used in your project 2


Please use 12 point Times Roman, single space, 1" top and bottom margins, 1" left and right margins.  Don't forget a reference list at the end.

      -5 - Paper is too long

      -10 - For each day paper is late       

General requirement: ONLY include your first and last name at the top right of the first page; no need for a cover page.

Undergrad requirement: Page 4: References

Grad requirement: Page 5: References

References should be in a standard format (like MLA)