Change History

Version 1.6 4th September, 2006 Package Testbed
Challenge university in the example for the Virtual Columns heterogeneity has been changed.

Version 1.5 4th May, 2005 Package Testbed
Errors in data for ETH Zurich are corrected.
The encodings of the files of the following universities are changed from "UTF-8" to "iso-8859-1":
ETH Zurich, University of Michigan and Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Version 1.4 27th April, 2005 Package Testbed
">" signs in the "Instructor" fields of Brown University are deleted.
Some of the data "Instructor" and "Title" fields of Brown University are separated with a blank space (" ") for easy parsing.

Version 1.3 12nd April, 2005 Package Testbed
The schema of University of Michigan is simplified.

Version 1.2 30th March, 2005 Package Testbed
"Code" attribute in the schema of Brown University is deleted.
Type of "Time" field is changed from "time" to "string" in the schema of Arizona University.
Some attribute fields are changed to element fields in the schema of Boston University.
"Mode" element is added to the schema file of Georgia Tech University.

Version 1.1 21st March, 2005 Package Testbed
Carriage return is added to the end of each tag ending in the XML files for a better viewing.
README.txt file which explains challenge queries is added in the downloadable packages.

Version 1.0 23rd January, 2005 Package Testbed
THALIA website is announced.