The version printed in the SGP 08 proceedings has the following errors, which HAVE BEEN CORRECTED in the downloadable version on this webpage. ---------- On page 5, bottom right column, the formula (13) for v is specialized to the case with no blending (i.e. all blend ratios being 2/3), in which case v is the Catmull-Clark limit point. In order to use blending via (14) correctly, one needs instead to use the following formula v := 1/(n(n+5)) * sum ( 9 f_j + (n-4) p_* ) (the sum is for j in {0,...,n-1}) This formula reduces to the Catmull-Clark limit formula when the local blend ratios are 2/3. ---------- On page 6, the bottom of first column, the paper says that for case m=3: b112^0 = b004 + 1/2 (b004 - b103^2) <-- wrong! Instead, it should be b112^0 = b004 + 1/2 (b004 - b202^2) = 3/2 b004 - 1/24 (2 b300^2 + (b210^2 + b120^1) + 4 (b211^2 + b121^1)) (can get the expansion via equation 6). The expanded-out formula can also be seen in the posted source code: const uint num_sides = 3; ... for (k = 0; k < num_sides; ++k) { const uint km = (k+(num_sides-1)) % num_sides; const uint kp = (k+1) % num_sides; pat[k].b112 = (3.0/2.0 ) * b004 - (1.0/12.0) * pat[km].b300 - (1.0/24.0) * ( pat[km].b210 + pat[kp].b120 ) - (1.0/6.0 ) * ( pat[km].b211 + pat[kp].b121 ); } ----------