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Subroutines to redistribute data

These subroutines copy a grid-based array from the host process (undistributed form) to the grid processes (distributed form) and vice versa:

        subroutine mesh_HtoG_host(host_array)
        real host_array(....)
        subroutine mesh_HtoG_grid(grid_array)
        real grid_array(....)

        subroutine mesh_GtoH_host(host_array)
        real host_array(....)
        subroutine mesh_GtoH_grid(grid_array)
        real grid_array(....)

Observe that there are two subroutines for each operation, one that executes in the host process and one that executes in the grid processes.

NOTE: These subroutines are not available in the no-host-process implementations of the archetype.

Berna L Massingill
Mon Jun 8 19:35:58 PDT 1998