CISE Team Wins Best Poster at INFOCOM

Ahmed Helmy, Roozbeh Ketabi and Babak Alipour at INFOCOMRoozbeh Ketabi and Babak Alipour, both Ph.D. students from the University of Florida Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE), and Ahmed Helmy, a CISE professor, won best poster at the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM).

Ketabi and Alipour are Helmy’s research assistants on a National Science Foundation (NSF) project called “MobiBench.”

The poster, En Route Towards Trace-based Simulation of Vehicular Mobility, it is about a new method called the ‘En Route’ framework to help researchers and practitioners in the fields of mobile networking and computing, and transportation, to model and simulate vehicular traffic in cities at a large scale. The innovation was in the new method of integrating data from multiple sources including millions of street/highway imagery data in a coherent way to produce meaningful simulations of cities.

“Usually this type of data and simulation is very scarce and hard to get for vehicular mobility,” Helmy said. “The work can have a significant impact on studying, and designing services for, mobile communities on wheels, whether it is new mobile apps, ride/car sharing, or better transportation plans.”

Allison Logan
Marketing & Communications Specialist
Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering