Opensource Software

Note: For details on the most recent versions and opensource repositories send an email to Meera Sitharam

FRONTIER: An opensource 3D geometric constraint solver (GNU public license)

FRONTIER is a general 2D and 3D, opensource, variational constraint solver, designed and implemented to meet several requirements that correspond to inadequacies in current variantional constraint solvers.

Original FRONTIER Source Code
Decomposition Recombination Planner
Recombination Solver Old Version
Recombination Solver Latest Version

Related Publications / Documentation

J-J. Oung, M. Sitharam, B. Moro, A. Arbree, "FRONTIER: fully enabling geometric constraints for feature based modeling and assembly", Proceedings of ACM Solid Modeling symposium, 2001.

M. Sitharam, A. Arbree, Y. Zhou, N. Kohareswaran "Solution management and navigation for 3D geometric constraint systems" ACM TOG 2006

Christoph M.Hoffman, Andrew Lomonosov and, Meera Sitharam "Decomposition Plans for Geometric Constraint Systems, Part I: Performance Measures for CAD" Journal of Symbolic computation, vol 31, issue 4, pp. 367-408.

Christoph M.Hoffman, Andrew Lomonosov and, Meera Sitharam "Decomposition Plans for Geometric Constraint Problems, Part II: New Algorithms" Journal of Symbolic computation, Vol 31, issue 4, pp. 409-427.

Christoph M. Hoffmann, Andrew Lomonosov and, Meera Sitharam "Geometric Constraint Decomposition", Geometric Constraint Solving and Applications pp 170-195.

EASAL: Efficient Atlasing and Search of Assembly Landscapes

For configurations of point-sets that are pairwise constrained by distance intervals, the EASAL software implements a suite of algorithms that characterize the structure and geometric properties of the configuration space. The algorithms generate, describe and explore these configuration spaces using generic rigidity properties, classical results for stratification of semi-algebraic sets, and new results for efficient sampling by convex parametrization. Intuitive visualization software is optionally provided. The software has applications in areas such as computation of free energy and kinetics of assembly of supramolecular structures or of clusters in colloidal and soft materials.

EASAL Source Code and User Guide

EASAL demonstration video (OLD)

EASAL demonstration video (NEW)

Related Publications / Documentation

Aysegul Ozkan, Rahul Prabhu, Troy Baker, James Pence, Jorg Peters, and Meera Sitharam. 2018. Algorithm 990: Efficient Atlasing and Search of Configuration Spaces of Point-Sets Constrained by Distance Intervals. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 44, 4, Article 48 (July 2018).

R. Wu, A. Ozkan, A. Bennett, M. Agbandje-Mckenna, M. Sitharam, Robustness of icosahedral viral shell assembly predicted by configuration space atlasing using EASAL Proceedings of ACM-Bioinformatics and Computational biology 2012

Aysegul Ozkan, James Pence, J. Peters, M. Sitharam EASAL- Efficient Atlasing of Assembly Landscapes: theory, algorithms, applications and software architecture Journal version on ArXiv 2012

Aysegul Ozkan, Meera Sitharam, EASAL: efficient atlasing, search and analysis of assembly landscapes Proceedings of IEEE BiCoB, New Orleans, March, 2011. Journal version in preparation.

CayMos: Cayley Analysis of Linkage Motion Space

For a common class of 2D mechanisms called 1-dof tree decomposable linkages, CayMos? implements efficient algorithmic solutions for: (a) meaningfully representing and visualizing the connected components in the Euclidean realization space; (b) finding a path of continuous motion between two realizations in the same connected component, with or without restricting the realization type (sometimes called orientation type); (c) finding two ``closest'' realizations in different connected components.

CayMos web-accessible software and videos

CayMos sourcecode and userguide

Related Publications / Documentation

M. Sitharam, M. Wang How the Beast really moves: Cayley analysis of mechanism realization spaces using CayMos, Proceedings of SIAM Solid and Physical Modeling, 2013, and also in Computer-Aided Design, Volume 46, January 2014, Pages 205-210, ISSN 0010-4485.

Corner-Sharing Tetrahedra (CoST) for Modeling Micro-Structure

A suite methods for

Corner-Sharing Triangles Source Code

Corner-Sharing Triangles Resources

Related Publications / Documentation

Meera Sitharam, Jeremy Youngquist, Maxwell Nolan, Jörg Peters Corner-Sharing Tetrahedra for Modeling Micro-Structure, 2018