Weighting and Curving Grades

The undergraduate and graduate classes will have common exams but will be curved separately.


Test 1: 22 %

Test 2: 22 %

Test 3: 22 %

Final : 22 %

Class responses : 12%


Here is the approximate grade distribution you can expect. The exact distribution will depend on the grade curve.
Approx 15% of the class will get an A
Approx 10% A-
Approx 45% B+,B,B-
Approx 25% C+,C,C- ...

These percentages are generally based on the student body at the beginning of the semester assuming the number of drops does not exceed the department average. If drops do exceed the dept. avg, then the distribution may lean a bit more towards the top.

Partial Credit Policy

Partial credit policy for tests where you have to classify a language to be in a particular complexity class and then justify your answer (this applies to most tests in this course).
0 points -- wrong classification; or correct classification but bogus justification
0-1/2 the points -- (loose but) correct classification, logical but unpromising attempt at proof - looser the classification, fewer the points
1/4-3/4 the points -- tight, correct classification, incomplete but promising and logically correct attempt at proof

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