Overall grading policy
4 tests --18% each

Final exam --20-24%

The remaining 4-8% will be for zybook activity on chapters BEFORE the chapter is covered in class. ( The uncertainty is because it is not clear whether zybooks will extend its availability past March). See exams page for partial credit policy

Grade distribution

Grades are NOT based on absolute test scores. Grades will be based on your rank in class, with grade cutoffs placed at score gaps. After the final,
I expect that approximately
--20% of the class would get an A
--66% will get B or above
--80% will get a C or above
(I reserve the right to be more lenient)

Grade communication
After each test, your rank in class, based on points earned in tests so far, will be communicated via UF canvas e-learning. After the 3rd test, you will know a tentative letter grade.

Here is a sorted list of scores

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