About Homeworks

There will be 4 homework sets, each worth 10% of the points. Please see lecture schedule for roughly when they are due.

FEEDS/NTU students will generally get 1 additional class day week to turn in the homeworks (due to mailing delays). the Homeworks should be submitted by email as a ps or pdf file, FAX, Expressmail, FedeX or competitor, postmarked by the deadline date to: Meera Sitharam CISE dept, CSE bldg University of Florida Gainesville FL 32611-6120 Tel. (352) 392 1260 Fax: (352) 392 1220 ( Please clearly address to me )


While you may discuss general ideas with others, when you actually put them to paper, you should do so alone. I.e, the actual written solutions to the homework assignments (code or otherwise) should be entirely your own and individual work. Also, you are expected to indicate on your homework the names of those people with whom you discussed the homework. If you are in doubt about this policy, simply avoid any discussion at all, and work entirely on your own.

Also, do not use any published solutions or solutions from prior semesters unless I explicitly post them for your use. If you obtain solutions from another student from a prior semester, and use them, it will be considered cheating (and it is easy for me and the TA's to catch you).

All academic dishonesty cases will be handled through the University of Florida Honor Court procedures as documented by the office of Student Services, P202 Peabody Hall. You may contact them at 392-1261 for "Student Judicial Process: Guide for Students" pamphlet.