COT6315 Formal Languages and Theory of Computation

R. E. Newman-Wolfe, University of Florida

Last modified 4/5/95.

Turing Machines


Turing machines are as powerful (in terms of language recognition, or in terms of the functions they can compute) as any known computational model. Church's hypothesis states that there is nothing more powerful, and the absence of a counterexample over the years leads the community to accept this, generally.

The vanilla Turing machine has a finite state control (FSC), represented by the state set, a semi-infinite read/write tape on which the input is initially placed, and a read/write head that is initially positioned at the left end of the tape (where the input is placed). On each move, the TM considers the contents of the tape cell its head is currently reading as well as its current state, then overwrites the tape cell, possibly enters a new state, and possibly moves the head one cell to the left or right. The following definition is used by Martin.

Definition - Turing Machine

A Turing machine (TM) is a 5-tuple, , where Q is a finite set of states, S is a finite input alphabet, G (which contains S) is a finite tape alphabet, q0 in Q is the distinguished start state. The transition function, takes the TM from a current (state, tape cell contents) pair to a new state, new cell contents and head move (left, right, or stationary). The distinguished state h, which is not in the state set Q, is the accepting, halted state, and indicates that the TM has accepted its input. B is the blank tape symbol, and like h is not part of Martin's way of defining a TM. Both of these exclusions are conveniences.

This definition is slightly different from the traditional one given in Hopcroft and Ullman, given next.

Definition - Turing Machine (H&U)

A Turing machine (TM) is a 7-tuple, , where Q is a finite set of states, S is a finite input alphabet, G (which contains S and has B, the blank tape symbol, as an element) is a finite tape alphabet, q0 in Q is the distinguished start state and F contained in Q is the set of accepting (final) states. The transition function, takes the TM from a current (state, tape cell contents) pair to a new state, new cell contents and head move (left or right). The TM has accepts its input by making a move into a state of F, and it is assumed that there are no moves from any state of F.

As a comment, the restriction to only left and right moves is not difficult to overcome (i.e., adding the S move is easy by increasing Q), and since there should be no moves from F, it is reasonable to make F a singleton set and exclude it from consideration in the transition function as Martin has done. Not including the blank symbol seem mainly to be done for convenience when talking about the size of G, since the blank is always included in G.

Definition - Turing Machine configuration (Martin)

A TM configuration is a marked pair, (q, u_a_v), where q is in Q, u and v are in (G U B)*, and a is in (G U B). Two configurations are equivalent if they only differ in trailing blanks on v; uav includes all the non-blank symbols on the tape, and the infinite string of blanks to the right of uav on the tape is understood to exist without writing it. The _a_ indicates that the TM's tape head is positioned on the cell containing the symbol a.

Definition - Turing Machine Instantaneous Description (ID) (H&U)

An ID is denoted by alpha_1.q.alpha_2, where alpha_1.alpha_2 is the string in G* that is the current tape contents, the TM is in state q, and the head is scanning the cell containing the first symbol of alpha_2. The dot is used here as the concatenation operator.

As a comment, the ID format used by H&U is easier to write quickly and is suggestive of the machine itself, although they have to make the proviso that Q ^ G = 0 in order to avoid ambiguity. On the other hand, the configuration format used by Martin is easier to extend to multi-tape TMs, multi-head TMs, and the like.

Definition - Move of a Turing Machine (Martin)

Given TM M = , a move of M is defined by
  • (q, ua_b_cv) |- (p, u'_s_v')
where d(q,b) = (p,b',D), and u', s, and v' depend on b' and D:
  • D = L : u' = u, s = a, v' = b'cv
  • D = S : u' = ua, s = b', v' = cv
  • D = R : u' = uab', s = c, v' = v

Definition - Move of a Turing Machine (H&U)

  • alpha_1.a.q.b.alpha_2 |- beta_1.p.beta_2
where d(q,b) = (p,b',D), and beta_1 and beta_2 depend on b' and D:
  • D = L : beta_1 = alpha_1, beta_2 = a.b'.alpha_2
  • D = R : beta_1 = alpha_1.a.b', beta_2 = alpha_2

In both cases, |-* is the reflexive, transitive closure of |- (pronounced turnstile).

Definition - Language accepted by a Turing Machine (Martin)

Given TM M = , L(M) is defined by
  • L(M) = { x in S* | (q0, _B_x) |-* (h, y_a_z) for some y, z in G*, a in G U {B}}
In other words, the TM starts with its head on the leftmost cell of the tape, which holds a blank, the input occupies the tape immediately to the right of the first cell, the TM performs some computations on the input and ends up in the final state. The initial blank appears to be used by Martin as a convenience for handling subroutines.

Definition - Language accepted by a Turing Machine (H&U)

  • L(M) = { x in S* | q0.x) |-* alpha_1.q.alpha_2 for some alpha_1, alpha_2 in G* and q in F}

This document is copyright 1995 by Richard E. Newman-Wolfe.
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