COT6315 Formal Languages and Theory of Computation

R. E. Newman, University of Florida

Last modified 2004.11.23


DO NOT copy from anyone else's homework solution, or from a solution off of the web, or from solutions from a previous class. IF you receive help from some source, it is honest (and safe) to give attribution to the source and describe the extent of the help. For example, if you do copy an answer off of the web, then write, "This answer is copied from web site X with URL Y." You will not get credit for coming up with the answer, but at least you will not be punished for plagiarism. As another example, if you discuss a problem with a classmate, but do not copy off of their paper, state, "A and I discussed this problem - A came up with this idea and I worked out the details." Then you will receive credit for the problem and have honored your friend and yourself by giving credit where credit is due.


All homeworks are from Sipser.

Bonus Problems

This document is copyright 2004 by Richard E. Newman.
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