CISE Senior Project - Reference Citation Formats

This Web page discusses acceptable citation formats for your viewgraphs and report.

  • Citation Formats are necessary for the orderly communication of technical information, particularly about published literature sources. The following citation formats and software packages that acquire, track, and generate formatted citations are acceptable for the CISE Senior Project:

    1. MLA Format - underlined text shown on this page should be italicized in your MS-Powerpoint or MS-Word document(s).

    2. APA Format - a similar comment re: underlined text, as discussed for MLA format.

    3. SPIE-like format that is often used for engineering papers:

      • Book:
          Smith, J.P. and H.R. Herndon. Title of This Book, Narragansett, MA: Publishing House (1995).

      • Journal Paper:
          Smith, J.P. and H.R. Herndon. "Title of this journal paper", Journal of Useful Science 23(2):213-224 (1995).

        Note that the volume number is emboldened and the number of the issue (if it is available) is placed in parentheses.

      • Conference Paper Format #1:
          Smith, J.P. and H.R. Herndon. "Title of this conference paper", Proceedings SPIE, 2382:213-224 (1996).

        Note that the this format is similar to the journal paper citation, and can be used for a variety of conferences that publish proceedings under the name of a professional society. The following format can be used if you have a specific conference that you want to cite, and is more appropriate for conferences sponsored by organizations such as IEEE.

      • Conference Paper Format #2:
          Smith, J.P. and H.R. Herndon. "Title of this conference paper", Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Really Useful Science (Orlando, FL, 23-26 April 1997) vol. 2, pp. 213-224 (1997).

        Note that the volume number can also be emboldened, similar to the journal paper citation. Also, the publication year (in parentheses at the end of the citation) can be different from the year the conference was held.

      • Trade Publication:
          Smith, J.P. "Title of this trade magazine article", Electronics Fun pp. 213-224 (Nov 1995).

      • Trade Publication with no Author Attribution:
          Anon. "Title of this trade magazine article", Electronics Fun pp. 213-224 (Nov 1995).

      • Newspaper Article with Byline:
          Smith, J.P. "Title of this newspaper article", Bugtussel Free Press 23(22):A13-14 (1995).

        Note that the volume number is emboldened and the issue number is in parentheses. Also, you should indicate the section of the paper (A,B,C,...) where the article was found.

      • Newspaper Article without Byline:
          Anon. "Title of this newspaper article", Bugtussel Free Press 23(22):A13-14 (1995).

      • Doctoral Dissertation:
          Smith, J.P. Title of Dissertation with Major Words Capitalized, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Bug Tussel, Department of Interesting Science, (1995).

      • M.S. Thesis:
          Smith, J.P. Title of Thesis with Major Words Capitalized, M.S. Dissertation, University of Bug Tussel, Department of Interesting Science, (1995).

      • Technical Manual with Byline:
          Smith, J.P., H.K. Ramasubramanian,J.D. Anders, and C. Bennett. Title of Technical Manual, Interesting Software Corporation Technical Manual #AC-33425, (1995).

      • Technical Manual without Byline:
          Title of Technical Manual, Interesting Software Corporation Technical Manual #AC-33425, (1995).

      • Web Reference with Known Author:
          Smith, J.P. "Title of Web Page",, University of Bug Tussel (as-of 13 Nov 1999).

      • Web Reference with Unknown Author:
          Anon. "Title of Web Page",, University of Bug Tussel (as-of 13 Nov 1999).

      • Unpublished Manuscript:
          Smith, J.P., B.K. Udoll, and J.M. Anders. "An Interesting Manuscript", unpublished ms. (2001).

      • Personal Correspondence or Conversation:
          Personal correspondence with J.P. Smith, January 2001.

    Regardless of which format you choose, you should stick with that same format throughout your bibliography, and (for convenience) throughout a project.

    Your bibliography or list of references cited should be clearly organized, with references in large enough type to fit nicely on the page and be easily read (no smaller than 9 point for conference or journal papers, 11pt for technical reports or manuals).

    Best wishes for success in your midterm and final presentations, and in the production of your final report!

    Sat Jun 09 13:50:17 EDT 2001