Class Notes: Data Structures and Algorithms

Summer 1999 - M WRF 2nd Period CSE/E119

Instructor: M.S. Schmalz -- TAs: Hongyu Guo

Anticipated Class Schedule

Note: Reading assignments denoted by "Ch. x" are taken from the required textbook (Sahni 1999).

------- -------- ----------  --------------------------------  -------------- 
5/10-14  W1 / S1  -No Lab-   M: Intro to Data Structures       Read Web Notes
                             W: Rvw.Discrete Math, Complexity  Read Appendix A
                             R: Rvw. of Java Programming Lang. Read Ch. 1,2
                             F: Program Design & Recursion     ASN:Pr-1, Hw-1

5/17-21  W2 / S1  Prog 1     W: Arrays, Lists and Operations   Read Ch. 3,4,14
                  Help       R: Sorting & Searching Algor's.   ASN:Pr-2, Hw-2
                             F: Conclusion of Sorting Alg's.   DUE:Hw-1

5/24-28  W3 / S2  Prog 1,2   W: Analysis of Sorting, Strings   Read Ch. 5,6,14.2
                  Help       R: Strings, Sets, Stacks, Oper's  
                             F: Stacks & Queues	               DUE:Hw-2

6/02-04  W4 / S2  -No Lab-   M: Memorial Day Holiday  
                  (Holiday)  W: Heaps, Stacks, and Queues      DUE:Pr-1,Read Ch.9 
                             R: Heapsort and its Analysis      ASN:Hw-3
                             F: Sorting with Priority Queues   
			        Review for Exam-1

6/07-11  W5 / S3  -No Lab-   M: Exam 1, in class               ASN:Hw-4,Pr-3
                  (Exam-1)   W: Graphs, Trees & Operations     Read Ch. 8,11.1-2
                             R: Tree Traversal Methods         DUE:Hw-3,Read Ch.11
                             F: Graph&Tree Representations     ASN:Hw-5,DUE:Pr-2 

6/14-18  W6 / S3  Prog 3     W: Binary Trees and traversal     DUE:Hw-4,Read Ch.12
                  Help       R: AVL Trees and assoc. methods   
                             F: 2-3 Trees, B-trees             DUE:Hw-5

-- Mid-Semester Break: Week of 21-25 June 1999 --

------- -------- ----------  --------------------------------  -------------- 
6/28,30  W7 / S3  Prog 3     W: Graphs & Spanning Trees        Read Ch. 12,13.3.6
7/01,02           Help       R: Minimum Spanning Trees (MSTs)  ASN:Hw-6
			     F: More on MSTs                   DUE:Pr-3

7/05-09  W8 / S4  -No Lab-   M: Independence Day Holiday
                             W: Shortest-Path Problems (SPPs)  Read Ch. 7,13.3.5
                             R: SPPs and Intro. to Hashing     ASN:Hw-7,Pr-4 
                             F: Hashing - Theory & Practice    DUE:Hw-6

7/12-16  W9 / S5  -No Lab-   M: Exam-2, in class
                             W: Analysis of Hashing            Read Ch. 7.3-7.4
                             R: Random Hashing                 ASN:Hw-8,Pr-5 
                             F: Hashing Analysis               DUE:Hw-7

7/19-23  W10/ S5  Prog 4     W: Measuring Algorithm Runtime    Read Ch. 2, esp. 2.6
                  Help       R: Timing Measurement             ASN:Hw-9 
			     F: Review of Statistics           DUE:Pr-4

7/26-30  W11/ S5  Prog 5     W: Performance Analysis           DUE:Hw-8
                  Help       R: Applications and Parallelism   ASN:Hw-10 
                             F: Review for Final Exam(in class)DUE:Hw-9

8/02-06  W12/ S5  Prog 5     W: Final Exam, in class           FINAL EXAM
                  Help       R: Hand in HW-10, Prog-5          DUE:Hw-10,Pr-5
                             F: TBA

-- IMPORTANT -- Program #5 DUE 5 August 1999 at Midnite EDT -- IMPORTANT --
-- READ THIS -- No Extensions Given without Medical Excuse -- READ THIS --

This concludes the description of the anticipated class schedule. Use the E-mail link at the top of this Web page to correspond with the instructor or TAs, if you have any questions.