DPS-3 Project - General Comments on Presentations

  1. All overhead information should be centered vertically and each overhead should have a title in bold typeface.

  2. Use bullets and short phrases which will serve as cues for you during your talk. Do not overcrowd slides. Do not make it so that the audience must spend any significant amount of time reading your slides.

  3. Talk for the time period allotted to you. Do not run over your time allotment. If there are an excessive number of questions, then this will slow things, so watch your time and limit the number of audience questions to stay within the time alloted.

  4. Estimate your talk to be about 1-2 minutes per overhead given only a couple of questions, or 3 minutes per overhead given more questions during the talk.

  5. Be specific on your overheads or slides. Do not include general, pointless, or emotional remarks.

Sun Aug 24 19:03:12 EDT 2003