Lecture of 17 January 1995


Structure of Complex Systems

Examples of Such Systems

Five Attributes of a Complex System

Largely drawn from Simon, H. The Sciences of the Artificial, MIT Press, 1982
  1. Hierarchical Form
  2. Choice of which components to view as primitive is relatively arbitrary
  3. Intracomponent linkages are stronger than intercomponent linkages
  4. Composed of a few different kinds of subsystems in various combinations and arrangements
  5. Working ones evolved from simpler systems that worked

Organized and Disorganized Complexity

Form of a Complex System

  • Hierarchies formed by two kinds of relationships:

    Limitations of Humans in Dealing with Complexity

    Bringing Order to Chaos

    Role of Decomposition

    Algorithmic Decomposition

    Object-Oriented Decomposition

    Algorithmic vs. Object-Oriented Decomposition

    Role of Abstraction

    Role of Hierarchy

    Designing Complex Systems

    Engineering as a Science and an Art

    The Meaning of Design

    Systems must satisfy

    Model Building

    Elements of Software Design Methods

    Models of Object-Oriented Development

    The Object Model

    Evolution of the Object Model

    Trends in Software Engineering

    Programming Language Generations

    Foundations of the Object Model

    OOP, OOD, and OOA


    This document is copyright 1995 by Joseph N. Wilson.
    $Id: Jan.17.html,v 1.1 1995/01/16 20:28:09 jnw Exp jnw $