About Karel's World

What is Karel

Karel is a robot living in a simple world represented on your computer screen.

Karel (facing north)

A little picture of Karel's world.

How can Karel get about in his world?

Karel's world is crisscrossed by horizontal streets and vertical avenues which are represented by lines on your computer screen. Karel can only stand at corners where a street and avenue intersect. He can move and turn about, but he must stay on the streets and avenues and can only stop at corners.

What directions can Karel face?

Karel can face in any of the directions north (toward the top of the screen), south (toward the bottom), east(toward the right), and west (toward the left).

What objects appear in Karel's World

There are two other kinds of things in Karel's world besides Karel: walls, and beepers.

What are walls?

The walls in Karel's world are made of neutronium (an impenetrable metal). They appear as dar obstructions between street corners in Karel's world.

Wall Section (east-west)

What are beepers?

Beepers are small platic cones that make a quiet beeping sound. They may appear at street corners and may be picked up or placed on the ground by Karel.


What Karel Can Do

This document is copyright 1994 by Joseph N. Wilson.