Our Group is looking at defining network groups which we think are worth exploring and hope to be realistic [ reality will be known when we are done with analysis of existing traces ]. After finishing mining for groups, we wish to investigate if traces resembling groups we defined can be generated with exisiting group mobility models. If exisiting models are capable to generating such traces, very good. Otherwise, next step would be to investigate why such traces are not being generated and what can be do incorporate so that a model is capable of generating such traces. For presentation, we will talk about a group mobility model[1] which is based on social network theory, a mechanism for distributed detection of community [2]. If time permits and if we are able to prepare for another paper, we may be able to talk about another paper models of evolving networks [3]. The papers are: [1] Mirco Musolesi and Cecilia Mascolo. Designing mobility models based on social network theory. SIG-MOBILE Mob. Comput. Commun. Rev., 11(3):59–70, 2007 [2] Pan Hui , Eiko Yoneki , Shu Yan Chan , Jon Crowcroft, Distributed community detection in delay tolerant networks, Proceedings of first ACM/IEEE international workshop on Mobility in the evolving internet architecture, August 27-30, 2007, Kyoto, Japan [3] Cristopher Moore, Gourab Ghoshal, M. E. J Newman, Exact solutions for models of evolving networks with addition and deletion of nodes, Physical Review E, vol. 74, Issue 3, id. 036121