Matrix: SNAP/soc-Epinions1

Description: Who-trusts-whom network of

SNAP/soc-Epinions1 graph SNAP/soc-Epinions1 graph
(bipartite graph drawing) (graph drawing of A+A')

scc of SNAP/soc-Epinions1

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    Matrix properties
    number of rows75,888
    number of columns75,888
    # strongly connected comp.42,185
    explicit zero entries0
    nonzero pattern symmetry 41%
    numeric value symmetry 41%
    Cholesky candidate?no
    positive definite?no

    authorM. Richardson and R. Agrawal and P. Domingos
    editorJ. Leskovec
    kinddirected graph
    2D/3D problem?no


    Networks from SNAP (Stanford Network Analysis Platform) Network Data Sets,     
    Jure Leskovec                         
    email jure at                                                  
    Epinions social network                                                        
    Dataset information                                                            
    This is a who-trust-whom online social network of a a general consumer review  
    site Members of the site can decide whether to ''trust'' each    
    other. All the trust relationships interact and form the Web of Trust which is 
    then combined with review ratings to determine which reviews are shown to the  
    Dataset statistics                                                             
    Nodes   75879                                                                  
    Edges   508837                                                                 
    Nodes in largest WCC    75877 (1.000)                                          
    Edges in largest WCC    508836 (1.000)                                         
    Nodes in largest SCC    32223 (0.425)                                          
    Edges in largest SCC    443506 (0.872)                                         
    Average clustering coefficient  0.2283                                         
    Number of triangles     1624481                                                
    Fraction of closed triangles    0.06568                                        
    Diameter (longest shortest path)    13                                         
    90-percentile effective diameter    5                                          
    Source (citation)                                                              
    M. Richardson and R. Agrawal and P. Domingos. Trust Management for the Semantic
    Web. ISWC, 2003.                                                               
    File    Description                                                            
    soc-Epinions1.txt.gz    Directed Epinions social network                       

    For a description of the statistics displayed above, click here.

    Maintained by Tim Davis, last updated 12-Mar-2014.
    Matrix pictures by cspy, a MATLAB function in the CSparse package.
    Matrix graphs by Yifan Hu, AT&T Labs Visualization Group.