Crystalline compounds (zeolites,sodalites), D. Ronis, Univ. of McGill. Two matrices from David Ronis, Chemistry Dept, Univ of McGill, Canada. Email: ronis :at the domain: Added to the UF sparse matrix collection on March 19, 2001. His comments: The matrix is generated on the fly in a large code that analyses the elastic properties (and many other things) in a class of complicated crystalline compounds called zeolites or sodalites. Note that in the actual inversions, I add a positive number times the unit matrix to this matrix. The typical value of this scalar is anywhere from 1e24 to 1e28--it really doesn't matter from the point of view of the calculation I want to do--the matrix is nonsingular in all cases. (in the two matrices, xenon1.rua and xenon2.rua, 1e24 has already been added to the diagonal).