A set of matrices from Karoly Nemeth, theoretical chemistry. currently postdoctoral fellow at Rice University with Prof. G.E. Scuseria (as of Summer 1999). Symmetric-positive semidefinite matrices. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Prof Davis, The problem, where my matrices come from, is the Newton-Schultz iteration (NSI), which is used for the calculation of the matrix sign function. If we denote the "sign" of a hermitian matrix "F" by "sign(F)", sign(F) can be calculated by the NSI, like: Z_{k+1} = Z_{k} + 1/2 * (I - Z_{k}^2) * Z_{k} . "Z" is a general symmetric matrix, "k" is the iteration step, "I" is the identity, Z_{0} = F/||F||, where ||F|| is the absolute value of the largest eigenvalue of F. In my problems NSI converged in most cases in less than 20 iterations. Currently I am very much interested in the Cholesky-decomposition of (I - Z_{k}^2)^2: (I - Z_{k}^2)^2 = T^{t}T (T is upper triangular) . This would help me to construct some orthogonal vectors, which are important for some applications, the vectors are generated by : (I - Z_{k}^2)*T^{-1}. As NSI converges, the eigenvalues in Z_{k} tend to +1 or -1. (I - Z_{k}^2) gets more and more rank deficient (Z_{k}^2 tend to I). Thus normal Cholesky cannot be used for the decomposition of (I - Z_{k}^2)^2. This is why I need Cholesky factorization for positive semidefinite matrices. Thus I expect to be able to generate "r" orthonormal vectors from (I - Z_{k}^2), where "r" is the rank of (I - Z_{k}^2). Here I used a somewhat modified version of NSI, where the trace of the matrices is kept fixed. However the matrices needed to be Cholesky decomposed are the corresponding (1-Z_{k}^2)^2 matrices. Best regards: Karoly (The Nemeth{K}.rsa file holds the Z_{k} matrix.) *********************************** Karoly Nemeth, Ph.D. ---------------------------------- Rice University Department of Chemistry - MS 60 6100 Main Street Houston, TX 77005-1892 e-mail: karoly :at the domain: celaeno.rice.edu office phone: before 5.30pm : +713-527-8101/2826 after 5.30pm : +713-527-8750/2826 fax: +713-285-5155 ***********************************