JIMSwing Version 2.0

Project Summary

	JIMSwing 2.0 is an extension of the original JIMSwing created by
	Fred Williams.  It includes a more extensive help dictionary as
	well as additional functionality such as adjustable fonts that
	makes it very similar to most common windows applications.
	JIMSwing is an extension of the JIMS project 
	originated by Steve Lewis.
	JIMS was designed as a MIPS simulator with support for reversible

        The purpose of this project is to provide CIS students who are new
	to MIPS assembly programming with a friendly user interface that
	can help them simulate/debug assembly source files.

Software Downloads

        JIMSwing Release 1
	JIMSwing Release 2 - installation instructions can be found at the link to JIMSwing Release 1.
        Sun Microsystem's Java 2 Runtime Environment v1.3 - Necessary to run JIMSwing 2.0.

Continuation and Expansion Ideas

        - Add support for instructions and psuedoinstructions that are currently not
	- Add sound support for program breakpoints, errors, etc.
	- Add support for the jump depth view (a thorough explanation is
	  provided in Steve Lewis' thesis 'StateHistoryRecordingTechniques')

Project Links

        JIMSwing 2.0 deliverable table 
	Fred Williams' JIMSwing project
        University of Florida's Reversible Computing Group
        Dr. Michael Frank's homepage - head of UF's RevComp group