Redesign web page to increase alumni participation in campus organization


Build a pinch glove (glove that detects when two fingers are touching like in a pinch gesture) and interface via USB to control windows events.  Used it to allow someone with Multiple sclerosis to play MAME (old, emulated) video games.


Compare two different button layouts for cellphones


Create a voting system for the elderly


Create a kid friendly webbrowser that uses thumbnail bookmarks


Create a voice-recognition based email system


Indexing of mp3 collection to provide novel 3d visualizations of one’s music


Evaluate professional ‘integrated remotes’ versus device-specific remotes


Evaluate map navigation and planning approaches for cyclists trying to map a route


Develop a system that allowed students to (in-class) anonymously submit questions to instructor to reduce student anxiety in large classrooms.


Evaluate the impact of virtual reality and mixed reality interfaces on spatial ability and haptic sensation.