CAP4730: Assignment 2

3D Transforms, Lighting, and Shading

Assigned: Wednesday, February 6th, 2008

Due: Friday, February 29th, 2008


Objective: Create a 3D virtual world that includes a Cyberware face scan of yourself that tells a story that describes you.


Template to load in the face scans. ( , <- 2/26 version w/ updated obj reader fix)

From TA: Students should be able to load in their face models with color now.  All they have to do is change the 'cube.obj' to 'lastname.obj' when loading models in the main program. Also, I set up a light.


Scene requirements (20 points):

Rendering requirements (30 points:

Interaction requirements (15 points):

            A. The camera’s view should be centered on the statue’s head.

            B. If the user holds down the LEFT mouse button and moves the mouse, the camera should move about a sphere centered at a focus point

            C. If the user uses the MOUSE WHEEL or RIGHT mouse button, the camera should zoom in and out

Collision Detection (25 points):

Create a webpage that shows off your assignment including screenshots (10 points)

A. Explain how to run and control your program (1 paragraph)

B. Any online models you used.

C. Explain the visual effect of the shading, and explain the tradeoffs between the two approaches. – 5 points

D. Screenshots of your statue/monument, and a picture of you side by side and explain your project

E. link to a .zip file of files required to compile and run your project.  Also include a precompiled .exe in your .zip file.

F. Email the TA your webpage (this is equivalent to turning in your project)